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Games Children Play

Games Children Play

This new book offers an accessible guide to movement games with children ages three upwards. These games are all tried and tested with children and are the basis for the author's extensive teacher training work.The book also explores children's personal development and how this is expressed in movement, play, and games. Each game contains a description of why this game is helpful and needed at a particular age. In this way it offers a fascinating insight into the threshold experiences of childhood.Each game is clearly and simply described, with diagrams or drawings. There are separate chapters with games for different age groups that deal with child development questions. There are games for mixed ages, playground games, and water games to help with swimming.This book will be a must for every teacher, both as a standby and as an essential classroom resource. It also offers an enjoyable way to enhance teamwork, coordination, spatial awareness, and insight into child development, and games that are both fun and therapeutic. 
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